2014年5月22日 星期四


你知道SMBX也有作弊碼嗎?讓我們來看看:(感謝JACK Auyeung提供!)




needamushroom - Item reserve box receives a mushroom
needaflower - Item reserve box receives a SMB3 fire flower
needaniceflower - Item reserve box receives a SMB3 ice flower
needaleaf - Item reserve box receives a leaf
needatanookisuit - Item reserve box receives a tanooki suit
needahammersuit - Item reserve box receives a hammer suit
needa1up - Item reserve box receives a 1UP.
needashoe - Item reserve box receives a Kuribo's Shoe
needaredshoe - Item reserve box receives a Podoboo's Shoe
needablueshoe - Item reserve box receives a Lakitu's Shoe
needashell - Item reserve box receives a SMW green shell
needaredshell - Item reserve box receives a SMW red shell
needablueshell - Item reserve box receives a SMW blue shell
needayellowshell - Item reserve box receives a SMW yellow shell
needaturnip - Item reserve box receives a vegetable
needanegg - Item reserve box receives a an empty egg
needaclock - Item reserve box receives a a clock
needaswitch - Item reserve box receives a P-Switch
needabomb - Item reserve box receives a SMB2 Bomb
needaplant - Item reserve box receives Toothy (The Plant Pipe)
needagun - Item reserve box receives a billy gun

greenegg - Player receives an egg for Green Yoshi
blueegg - Player receives an egg for Blue Yoshi.
yellowegg - Player receives an egg for Yellow Yoshi
redegg - Player receives an egg for Red Yoshi
blackegg - Player receives an egg for Black Yoshi
purpleegg - Player receives an egg for Purple Yoshi
pinkegg - Player hold receives an egg for Pink Yoshi
coldegg - Player receives an egg for Ice Yoshi
wherearemycarkeys - Player receives a key (Use with keyholes or locked doors)
firemissiles - Player receives a bullet bill
bombsaway - Player receives a bomb
hammerinmypants - Player receives a Hammer Brother which will throw hammers at enemies
boingyboing - The player receives a springboard
powhammer - Player receives a POW Block
rainbowrider - Player receives a rainbow shell
upandout - Player receives a Helicopter Block
burnthehousedown - Player receives a Flamethrower Helicopter Block

1player - Makes 1 player game
2player - Makes 2 player game
itsamemario - Changes the player into Mario
itsameluigi - Changes the player into Luigi
anothercastle - Changes the player to Toad
ibakedacakeforyou - Changes the player into Peach
iamerror - Changes the player into Link
fairymagic - Changes the player into a fairy
supermario2 - Makes Mario and Luigi (Press Down and the Drop Item Button to switch from Mario to Luigi)
supermario4 - Clones the player 4 times
supermario8 - Clones the player 8 times
supermario16 - Clones the player 16 times
supermario32 - Clones the player 32 times
supermario64 - Clones the player 64 times
supermario128 - Clones the player 128 times

sonictooslow - Increases player speed
ahippinandahoppin - Allows jumping in the air
flamethrower - Increases firing rate of the Ice and Fire Flowers
wingman - Super Leaves and Tanooki Suits have infinite flight capabilities
donthurtme - Enables God Mode, and the player may not be hurt
shadowstar - Allows walking through walls
moneytree - Causes an infinite supply of coins (and then lives)
itsrainingmen - 1-UPs rain from the sky
wariotime - Turns all enemies into coins
donttypethis - Bombs rain from the sky
iceage - Freezes all npcs on the screen
wetwater - Allows swimming anywhere and changes the background to SMB3 water
stophittingme - Hurts the player
stickyfingers - Works like Grab All editor code. You can hold nearly every NPC
speeddemon - Works like Max FPS mode. Makes game not have FPS limits
captainn - With pause key you can stop time (does not work if pause key is Esc)
framerate - Shows framerate
istillplaywithlegos - Resets all Blocks/Tiles in the level.


Imtiredofallthiswalking - Enables all levels in the World Map
iparkwhereiwant (or illparkwhereiwant) - Lets you walk anywhere in the World Map




例如:needamushroom就是「need a mushroom」,也就是需要磨菇。




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